Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Unemployment Revisted: Day One

“When things go wrong, don't go with them.” ― Elvis Presley

I have thrown this quote all over my social networks today in honor of The King's birthday. But also as a small comment on my recent job loss. 

Yup. I did it again. I am apparently not cut out for a nine to five.

Alas, this calls for a revisit to the question o' life: what am I cut out for? Let's review my day. See if that holds any answers.

I woke up late, spent the morning in pajamas and writing articles for the IT company that graciously pays me to produce content for some sweet blogs. 

Got harassed by the cats. Fed the cats.

Fed myself. Watched Psych on Netfilx while I fed myself.

Then I went to the coffee shop, ordered a quite enormous maple spice latte, wrote more articles, and surfed Twitterland and the #myfriendsaremarried tumblr (definitely a must for all of those in my boat: AKA the boat of misfit toys circling twentysomething island.)

Returned to my abode. Paged through my new Rolling Stone (hello Jimmy Kimmel buttcrack.)

Mega-fancy branches

And then I spray-painted some branches to adorn a purty vase.

Annnnd now here we are.

So, looks like my life's journey has led me to drinking coffee and typing, with spray-paint stained fingers, tech-a-licious articles.

How did you discover what to do with your life? I'm on the verge of desperately contacting a career counselor or going to the library to check-out self-help books, so please, save me from myself.

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